Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Reading Blog #6
"Life is hard already. Why make it harder?" (Shepard 201). This quote in simple, yet it has a lot of meaning behind it. For all, life is worth living and learning everyday. I learn new things everyday and I love finding out more and more about the meaning of life. Yet, life has its ups and downs as well. As the quote says, "life is hard", I believe it is very true, at least 50% of the time. I love living life, but sometimes I hate it. Like when I don't get my way or I have to do something I don't want to do. For example, I never wanted to play piano from the start, but my mom forced me to play, but now I am happy that I played because I can now play piano forever. Even though things in life can be hard, it will pay off in the end, you just have to endure the difficulties first.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Blog #6
One little boy rode a unicycle,
but was pretending to ride a unicorn,
talking in a monotone voice,
he rode to the university,
and saw his first college student,
then he did a solo at his elementary school,
and went home proud.
but was pretending to ride a unicorn,
talking in a monotone voice,
he rode to the university,
and saw his first college student,
then he did a solo at his elementary school,
and went home proud.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Reading Blog #5
At the end of the Perfect novel, one main character named Hannah, gets hit by a car and is sent into a coma. This relates to me because my sister's friend was driving a car and didn't notice someone crossing the street in front of her on a bike. The girl ended up hitting the man on the bike causing multiple injuries to the man's body. The girl was just fine, but in shock of what she did. The man when then taken to the hospital where he was sent innocently into a coma. The girl was absolutely a wreck over what happened, but to her surprise, the man awoke just a week later. If he had not waken up, the girl probably would've gone to jail because she was 18, or suffered many other consequences. I'm sure she still had to pay money or pay for his medical bill, but that's a lot better than going to jail and living with the fact that she killed someone her whole life. She was informed, though, that he may not be the same person when he wakes up and he might not remember who he is. To her luck and surprise, he was only confused and suffered minor brain injuries. This is a wake up call to everyone, because just one moment of not paying attention to what's going on around you could cost a life and long-time regret for the rest of your life. No matter the situation someone may be in, they need to be very cautious and aware of their surroundings.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Reading Blog #4
"She could almost hear her mother's voice: I can't even look at you right now." (Shepard 274). Everyone has done something that has made their parents feel ashamed of their kid. For example, Spencer stole her sister's AP Economics essay, just to keep up with her outstanding 4.0 average. When "A" somehow secretly revealed her secret to Spencer's sister Melissa, she went crazy. Her mother acted as if she had disowned Spencer and her whole family ignored her. Even though these things happen, your parents eventually forgive you because your bond as family members are stronger than any trouble along the road to come. Of course there is the grief and guilt of what you did or how you spoke to your mother, but in the end everything is okay. In the heat of the moment, every person gets tense and has anger bottled up, but once a person can calm down, things usually work out.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Blog #4
Four men were singing a quartet,
to four little quadruplets,
then the men went up the quad lift,
to ski down the hill,
while the children played with quadrangle blocks
to four little quadruplets,
then the men went up the quad lift,
to ski down the hill,
while the children played with quadrangle blocks
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Reading Blog #3
Dear "A",
Why do you have to harass these girls so much? What have they done to you? If you don't reveal yourself soon, even more problems are going to spring about. The way you are treating these girls is ridiculous and you could get into serious trouble. How can you know what each girl is doing at the exact same time if you are doing this all by yourself? I think that you just really need to speak to these girls and communicate to them what you want because if you continue what you are doing now, you will never get what you want and both sides will end of loosing. The best way to solve problems is by talking with someone about it or else it will all be bottled up inside and there will be no progress. In general, I think you need to show everyone your real identity and save us all some time and energy, so that this "problem" you have with these girls can be fixed.
Yours Truly,
Why do you have to harass these girls so much? What have they done to you? If you don't reveal yourself soon, even more problems are going to spring about. The way you are treating these girls is ridiculous and you could get into serious trouble. How can you know what each girl is doing at the exact same time if you are doing this all by yourself? I think that you just really need to speak to these girls and communicate to them what you want because if you continue what you are doing now, you will never get what you want and both sides will end of loosing. The best way to solve problems is by talking with someone about it or else it will all be bottled up inside and there will be no progress. In general, I think you need to show everyone your real identity and save us all some time and energy, so that this "problem" you have with these girls can be fixed.
Yours Truly,
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Blog #3
I went for a bicycle ride,
and saw two birds soaring through the sky,
then noticed twins playing in the park,
i then returned home and did a binomial distribution problem for math,
after that i practiced a duet with my friend,
i had two servings of pasta for dinner,
lastly i brushed my teeth twice for a nice, refreshing feeling.
and saw two birds soaring through the sky,
then noticed twins playing in the park,
i then returned home and did a binomial distribution problem for math,
after that i practiced a duet with my friend,
i had two servings of pasta for dinner,
lastly i brushed my teeth twice for a nice, refreshing feeling.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Reading Blog #2
For this blog, I am going to analyze a quote from the book I'm reading. The quote is from the first page, because I thought it was important and it has a lot to do with the whole book itself. The quote is: "Have you ever had a friend turn on you? Just totally transform from someone you thought you knew into someone...else?...I'm talking about your soul mate. The girl you know everything about. Who knows everything about you. One day she turns around and is a completely different person." (Shepard 1). This quote is very important because it has everything to do with friendship, loyalty, and trust. This brings up a big issue every teenager has to go through. During the years of being an adolescent, every kid goes through troubles with friends, whether it be over a boy, or just plain drama. This book digs deeper into the issues of trust. For example, each character could never know when the next one will turn on them because you can't trust anyone. The character that is behind all of this madness is "A" who is anonymous at the moment. She causes the four main girls to get mad at each other or uses blackmail to make the girls embarrass themselves. If "A" continues this harassment, soon the girls won't be able to take the pressure any longer.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Blog #2
I ate juicy gum
all pink and luscious
I swam in a lake
until night-fall
i shivered in the wind
yet soaked in the suns warm rays
i drank pomegranate juice
to settle my thirst
i skipped through the grass
and flew to the moon
then climbed the tall tree
and let out a loud scream
all pink and luscious
I swam in a lake
until night-fall
i shivered in the wind
yet soaked in the suns warm rays
i drank pomegranate juice
to settle my thirst
i skipped through the grass
and flew to the moon
then climbed the tall tree
and let out a loud scream
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Reading Blog #1, 4th Q.
My book is called Perfect by Sara Shepard, and it is the third book in the series called Pretty Little Liars about four girls and their lives growing up as teenagers in a very prosperous community.
I am at the part in my book where the four girls' lives are going downhill, as their secrets are being revealed. One girl, Hannah, for example is losing her only friend, Mona, because she has become "less popular" by being dumped by her boyfriend and people finding out about her eating disorder. Another girl, Aria, has moved from her home in Greenland back to Pennsylvania and its very difficult for her to get settled. I am not much like these girls, because my life isn't going "downhill" and I have always lived in Edina, yet I am similar to the other two main characters in the book. Another girl in the book, Spencer, is very hard-working and loves to be social. I think I am most like her because I strive to do the best in school, yet I still go out and have fun with my friends as well. Emily is a hard-core athlete who is always busy. I am similar to her because I love sports, and I am always participating in activities after school, whether it be for school or sports. These four girls each have secrets, though, that they will never reveal. Except there is one person that knows their secrets and she calls herself "A", and if A releases their secrets, their lives will end as they know it. This "A" character has yet to be disclosed, but I am exciting to keep reading and find out who it is!
I am at the part in my book where the four girls' lives are going downhill, as their secrets are being revealed. One girl, Hannah, for example is losing her only friend, Mona, because she has become "less popular" by being dumped by her boyfriend and people finding out about her eating disorder. Another girl, Aria, has moved from her home in Greenland back to Pennsylvania and its very difficult for her to get settled. I am not much like these girls, because my life isn't going "downhill" and I have always lived in Edina, yet I am similar to the other two main characters in the book. Another girl in the book, Spencer, is very hard-working and loves to be social. I think I am most like her because I strive to do the best in school, yet I still go out and have fun with my friends as well. Emily is a hard-core athlete who is always busy. I am similar to her because I love sports, and I am always participating in activities after school, whether it be for school or sports. These four girls each have secrets, though, that they will never reveal. Except there is one person that knows their secrets and she calls herself "A", and if A releases their secrets, their lives will end as they know it. This "A" character has yet to be disclosed, but I am exciting to keep reading and find out who it is!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
So much of spring depends upon
the sweet chirping of the birds
the smell of the crisp air
crackling leaves are broken beneath me
i see the sun shining so bright
the earth is warming day to night
So much depends on
the dribbling chocolate on my tongue
so buttery, delicious and soft
i hear the crinkle of the shiney aluminum
golden goodness, chewy and delightful
the sweet chirping of the birds
the smell of the crisp air
crackling leaves are broken beneath me
i see the sun shining so bright
the earth is warming day to night
So much depends on
the dribbling chocolate on my tongue
so buttery, delicious and soft
i hear the crinkle of the shiney aluminum
golden goodness, chewy and delightful
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Blog #15
I huge obstacle or difficulty rather, is overcoming abuse. A man named Dominic Carter, and he grew up in New York City very poor and living on welfare. When he was about seven years old, his mother sexually abused him. He had to carry the guilt, terror, and shame for over twenty years. His mother suffered as a paranoia schizophrenic and was instucionalized for many years. He never referred to his mother as "Mom or Mother", because he couldn't give her that type of respect. That title of great respect was reserved for his grandmother, and he tries to remember the good times with his grandmother rather than the terrors of abuse. He then went a guidance counselor and asked him about applying to schools and the man replied, "Don't waste your time because you will be dead or in jail." Carter decided that those words would make him stronger and use them as positives. He wrote a book called No Mama's Boy, which is about how he let go of his past and embraced the future. "If you believe in yourself and you're willing to work hard for any goal that you make have, you can achieve that goal." Carter claims. He tries to see the greatness in life, and the positives other than the negatives and hard times. Carter has now taken his own advice and has had tremendous highs as a journalist and became the New York anchor for political news.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Kashmir Conflict #2
More facts and things about the Kashmir conflict:
-About 65% of the territory is administered by India, 35% by Pakistan.
-This conflict is between two of the most populated countries.
-They are both nuclear powers and this conflict could result in further damage than it has done now.
-India claims Kashmir- as agreed under the Indian Independence Act.
-Pakistan is an Islamic state and claims Kashmir for themselves.
-Pakistan has a close contact with the U.S. because of the Russian invasion of Afghanistan and they have left behind large weapons.
-Tension between India and Pakistan grew after nuclear tests in mid 1998.
-China is providing assistance to the Pakistani nuclear program.
-Indian population: 9,000,000
-Pakistan population: 3,000,000
-According to the populations above, India has three times the population that Pakistan has, but Pakistan has the help of the U.S. and Afghanistan on their side. So who is at a greater risk of losing the land? I believe they are relatively even.
SOURCE: world conflicts.
-About 65% of the territory is administered by India, 35% by Pakistan.
-This conflict is between two of the most populated countries.
-They are both nuclear powers and this conflict could result in further damage than it has done now.
-India claims Kashmir- as agreed under the Indian Independence Act.
-Pakistan is an Islamic state and claims Kashmir for themselves.
-Pakistan has a close contact with the U.S. because of the Russian invasion of Afghanistan and they have left behind large weapons.
-Tension between India and Pakistan grew after nuclear tests in mid 1998.
-China is providing assistance to the Pakistani nuclear program.
-Indian population: 9,000,000
-Pakistan population: 3,000,000
-According to the populations above, India has three times the population that Pakistan has, but Pakistan has the help of the U.S. and Afghanistan on their side. So who is at a greater risk of losing the land? I believe they are relatively even.
SOURCE: world conflicts.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Blog #14
I thought a text about Romeo and Juliet would be adequate for this blog because it is a typical love story that is very famous. It is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare about two lovers, whose deaths eventually unite their families that were always fighting. Love plays its role in many parts of this play. They begin with love at first sight, as if they were meant for each other right then and there like a fairytale. Becuase of their extremely strong love for each other and their parents hatred towards one another, they secretly marry and expect to live their lives together in peace and harmony. Their overpowering love overtakes their morals, loyalty, and emotions. They could jepordize the entire social world such as family and friends just to be with each other. I would never defy my family or friends so I believe shakespeare is trying to tell us that their love was unconditional and never-ending. Yet, Shakespeares writing about love isn't just the normal, perfect, nothing-goes-wrong type of love. It is filled with regret, emotions, and violence.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Blog #13
On the washington post i found an article that is about the Kashmir conflict. I found out that it involves India and Pakistan fighting over Kashmir and they currently have a truce but that truce has been broken multiple times. Kashmir is very mountainous and has a population of about seven million people. There was one question that stands out to me the most from this website, which is: will there be war? They say it is a possibility and I strongly agree considering the violence that is taking place in Kashmir right now. The Washington Post states, "For India, three terrorist attacks in the last nine months, allegedly perpetrated by Pakistani-based militants, justify a military response. In October 2001, Islamic separatists killed 40 people in an attack on the legislature in Srinigar. In December, five Islamic gunmen entered the Indian parliament in New Delhi and killed seven people before being killed." This is just some of the many disasters that have taken place for India in Kashmir. Another big question arises as well: What is the U.S. position? In the past, and also the present, the U.S. has been known for not taking a stand when other countries are suffering and need our help. Take the Holocaust for example, we just stood by not knowing, but if we did know would the government have helped? We will never know. I feel that from our country's past mistakes, we are learning from them and hopefully will help others in need in the future. The washington post says, "The United States is pressuring Pakistan to curb terrorism while discouraging India from attacking." Which shows that we are at least doing something to try to help. The fact that both Pakistan and India are nuclear powers makes this an even bigger conflict. Both countries have gone to war twice and I hope there isn't a third time.
Source: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/world/kashmir/front.html
Source: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/world/kashmir/front.html
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Blog #12
I read a text about European colonization to America. They believe that the first people to ever reach the "Americas" were the Vikings, who made several colonies in Greenland. Then in 1492, the Spanish explorer we all know and thank for America today, Christopher Columbus set sail and reached the Americas, after which European exploration and colonization quickly expanded. Soon later, almost the entire Western Hemisphere would be controlled by the Europeans and all of their aspects, such as population, landscape, plant and animal life, and customs would be dominated by the Europeans. In the 19th century, about 50 million people left Europe to be in the "Americas". When they first got to the "Americas" the Europeans lived in close proximity with animals such as cows, pigs, sheep, goats, etc. which caused epidemic diseases unknown the Europeans. Some of these diseases included smallpox, influenza, and the measles. This killed between 10 million and 20 million of the population.The cultural and political instability appears to have been of the efforts to seize great wealth in land and resources. This calamity of diseases and losing lives was just a little bit of the events that happened when the Europeans discovered a new world.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Blog #11

I read an article on cnn.com about U.S. forces preparing to withdraw, yet their is now a debate about whether that is a good idea considering the consequences. Some questions they are considering are: Will the Iraqis be able to come up with a stable economy and functioning government? And if they can, will a civil war break out? These are just some of the many questions people are asking because of President Obama's decision to withdraw the troops. Most of the troops plan to leave Iraq by August 2010, but all will be withdrawn by the end of 2011. "A "transitional force" of 35,000 to 50,000 troops will remain in the country to assist Iraqi security forces, protect Americans and fight terrorism," President Obama states. Obama predicts that by removing the troops, their will be a decrease in violence and an increase in becoming more capable of ensuring their own security. Iraqi deaths have been steadily dropping since the fall of 2007 according to statistics compiled by an Iraqi Interior Ministry official. U.S. military. The three main factors to a decrease of violence in Iraq are: the surge of U.S. troops at the beginning of 2007, the Sunni "Awakening" movements, and the ceasefire announced by radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr.
Source: www.cnnpolitics.com
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Blog # 10

I decided to do this blog about a holiday on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day because I think it is very important. I looked and found the history behind the famous MLK day and this is what I found. It is only a United States holiday and marks the birth-date of of the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King was the chief spokesman of the nonviolent civil rights movement, which successfully protested racial discrimination in federal and state law. The campaign for a federal holiday in King's honor began soon after his assassination, which was in 1968. The bill first came to a vote in the U.S. House of Representatives in 1979. However, it was five votes short of the number needed to pass. Two of the main arguments were mentioned about the holiday, which were it would be too expensive and that a holiday to honor a private citizen would be against the tradition, because King had never held public office. Later, The King Center turned to support from many communities and the general public.S ix million signatures were collected for a petition to congress to pass the law. At the White House Rose Garden on November 2 1983, President Ronald Reagan signed a bill creating a federal holiday to honor Martin Luther King once and for all. It was observed for the first time on January 20 1986 and was officially observed in all 50 states in 2000. I think this day is important because it is about a man that very influential during the time and obviously made his mark on history.
Sources: Time.com, http://www.princeton.edu/pr/mlk/images/mlk_mainpic2.jpg
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Things Fall Apart Double Bubble
Mrs. Roehl it didn't work again for my mac for that edline thing, but I did a similar thing on word and I hope it counts!! I'll keep trying though.
Blog #9
I found a site online that talked about Bollywood. I decided to blog about the history or beginnings of Bollywood because it seemed interesting. I read that Raja Harishchandra was the first silent feature film made in India in 1913. By the 1930s, the industry was producing over 200 films yearly. The 1930s and 1940s were tumultuous times: India was buffeted by the Great Depression, World War II, the Indian independence movement, and the violence of the Partition. Most Bollywood filmmakers who tackled tough social issues, or used the struggle for Indian independence as a backdrop for their plots. Color films did not become a popular feature until the late 1950s, but at this time, romantic musicals and melodramas were the main types of movies. In the mid-1970s, romantic confections were mostly replaced by violent films about gangsters and bandits.In the mid-1990s, family-centric romantic musicals started to be successful in Bollywood, as well as action and comedy films. The 2000s saw a growth in Bollywood's popularity in the world. This led the nation's filmmaking to new heights in terms of quality, cinematography and innovative story lines. Also, special effects and animation. The Indian film industry has turned to making films that appeal to all segments of the audience, which will maximize their box office receipts.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Blog #8

A text that I found that addresses to culture is about an African tribe's culture. The tribe is called Bemba, or "forest people" and they are located in in the northeastern part of Zambia and are the largest ethnic group in the Northern Province of Zambia, which consists of about eighteen different groups of Bembas. The temperature is very favorable, yet their soil is poor and covered with brush or low trees. They live in rural villages with huts made up of wattle and daub with grass as the roof. Their main job in the village is a type of subsistence farming in the form of shifting cultivation. Each family is in charge of growing their own food and providing for their families. The main crops are finger millet and cassava, but they still grow beans, peas, corn, sorghum, peanuts, gourds or squash, sweet potatoes, bananas, pumpkins, cucumbers, and cowpeas. This is a wide range of food, but the downfall to farming is that the soil is so poor they have to quit farming after about two years and find other land. Material possessions are very rare in these areas. Diseases such as malaria and bilharzia are still common in this tribe, including malnutrition and their life expectancy is low. Since the Bembas are the most dominant group, Bemba is the most common language that is spoken, but it is not uncommon for a Zambian to be multilingual. The most common type of clothing was made from a bark that women wore as clothes and today the women wear dresses that still have designs on them that are of Zambian or African culture. Men wear shirts, pants, and shorts. There is no ceremony for boys when they go into puberty, but there is for girls and the ceremony is called Chisungu. If a girl becomes pregnant before this ceremony, they are banned. In order for engagement, the man offers her parents' a present of small value. Once they are married the boy moves in with the parents' of the girl. Television is known, but not many people can afford them. The Bembas are known for having manufactured a complex folk art culture.
Sources: Google Images, World Book
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Blog #7
I read an article about Zimbabwe's increasing poverty, which is changing their country drastically. Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai said Zimbabwe will have to "borrow and beg" because it needs very urgent attention. He says, "the situation in the country is so dire, ministries are in a very dilapidated state." This just shows that they need help very badly because obviously they can't control their own government and are turning to others in a time of need. He also says that he came after the cholera epidemic that has killed 4,000 people, and because of the shortage of food. Doctors Without Borders released a report saying that new cholera patients were being registered at a rate of one every minute at the beginning of February this year. There has been years of poor agricultural production, failed government policies, and just a widespread of corruption that have damaged Zimbabwe, which has one of the world's highest inflation rates. Many teachers and nurses have been on strike, demanding a higher pay, which has caused many schools to close. Zimbabwe is now creating an inclusive government to solve their country's problem. They are working on trying to stabilize the economy and focus on restoring everything, including schools.
Source: world news.
Source: world news.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Blog post #6
Scientists expect great travel spots to be altered due to global warming. Some of these changes are already taking place, yet others will take decades. There seem to be two solutions to this problem, which are either stay home, which might be less depressing or get a move on it and see the hot spots before they are gone. Many people are hopeful for these wonderful locations to be unharmed, but only time can tell. Global warming is also causing atmospheric pollution, which in return is causing such a large increase in pollution. For example, the polar bear is very effected by this horrible problem. Polar bears can't cross the ice before it freezes to travel and get food, so they could starve and die if we do not find another way to help them. Like I said, all we can do at this point is hope, which is difficult to do it such a hard time in the economy. We can also take action, like doing the little things-throwing away our trash, not smoking, and recycling. All of these can make such a huge difference, but we can't expect people to do this so we have to have faith in people, expecting them to help out planet. So, overall, we need to be hopeful for our planets health so that our economy doesn't get any worse, and everyone is healthy and safe.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Blog #5

I found a text about Christian beliefs in The World Book letters C-Ch in my house. I found out that Christians believe that there is only one God, and that he created the universe and continues to care for it. The belief in one God was not found by the Christians though, but by the Jewish religion. Christianity teaches that God sent his son, Jesus, into the world as his "chosen one" or Messiah, as they use it, and to help people fulfill their religious duties. They also teach that after Jesus' earthly life, God's presence remained on the earth in the form of the Holy Spirit. This is the belief that in one God there are three people-the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, which is known as the doctrine of the Trinity. Many churches have this doctrine as the central teachings of Christianity. Most Christians view Jesus as God incarnate, which is a divine being who took on the human appearances and characteristics of a man. They believe that Jesus is the Savior who died to save humanity from sin. So basically, his death made salvation and life possible for others. Christians gather in a church because they believe God intended to form these churches for worship. I am a Christian myself, and believe in all of these things.
Sources: The World Book, letter C-Ch
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Blog #4

I read an article from the washington post about gender roles and equality in the 90's. The article begins by talking about how increased gender equity has enriched both sexes. But both also believe that the strains of this relatively new world have made building successful marriages, raising children and leading satisfying lives more difficult. People wish they could devote more time to their children, but the pressures and stressful lives of working parents just don't give them enough time. Although it is nice to see men and women working side by side, both agree that it would be easier if women would just stay home and take care of the house and children. About 4,000 men and women took a survey and experts found out that majorities of men and women believe there still are more advantages to being a man rather than a woman, and that most men don't understand the problems women face. Most men in polls said that were happy to share house-care and childcare with their spouse, yet women are still mostly doing the dirty work. The article states, "Working mothers still do twice as much housework as their husbands, and more than half of all women questioned expressed at least some dissatisfaction with the amount of help their husbands provide around the house." (Richard Morin and Megan Rosenfeld Page A1)."I think men are beginning to get it, at least some are, some of the time," said survey respondent Traci Hughes-Velez. Hopefully this gender issue will be resolved and both men and women will finally become equal.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Blog # 3
I recently read part of a book called Studies on the Civilization of Islam that I found in my house about the similarities and differences between Christians and Muslim's culture. The main similarity I found was that they both believe in the divinity of Jesus. Some differences include that Muslims believe God is indivisible, while Christians believe in the Trinity. Christians believe that as a member of the Trinity, Jesus is the son of God. Muslims believe that Jesus was conceived by an act of God and though not the son of God, is like Muhammad, a highly respected Prophet. Christians believe that right after we die, we go straight up to heaven or straight down to hell, but Muslims believe Barzakh, which is somewhat like an afterlife. Christians have a more relaxed view about what foods may be eaten. Muslims, being conscious that God created man, consider it wrong to defile such a creation with a certain food and drink. Muslims are forbidden to eat pork or drink alcohol. These are many of the similarities and differences between the two religions, yet there are many differences the Christian religion is very similar to the Islamic religion.
Source Book: Studies on the Civilization of Islam
Source Book: Studies on the Civilization of Islam
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Blog # 2 q. 3

Something I watched a video on www.cnn.com about someone overcoming a struggle. It was about a woman from Saudi Arabia and how if a woman won't marry off her 13 and 14-year-old daughters then she will be divorced, and that is obviously a big deal for her culture. This isn't a rare event, however, because this is happening everywhere in Saudi Arabia. She is outraged and very angry with the way that their culture is forcing them to marry off their daughters at such a young age. She is also mad about her rights as a woman, and thinks women should have more rights in their culture especially about marriage. The Saudi government want to change the laws, but they like the power. So they are trying to educate parents to put their children first, and think of their children before themselves.
Monday, February 2, 2009
3rd Q. New Blog #1
For the blog on natural disasters, I went online to National Geographic and found some pretty interesting articles about a natural disaster itself. I decided to do it on Tsunamis. I looked up the word Tsunami and found out that it is a long high sea wave caused by an earthquake, submarine landslide, or other disturbance. Tsunami's can reach heights of over 100 ft. About 80% of these Tsunamis happen in the Pacific Ocean because of the tectonic shifts. Tsunami's can reach the speed of 500 mph and can cross the entire expanse of the Pacific Ocean in less than a day. Wow. Many people already know about that one famous Tsunami, Hiroshima, where about 150,000 people were killed in a single day. Out in the deep ocean, Tsunami's can appear little in height and slow, but as they come closer to shore, they built an increase in power and growth. To watch out for these Tsunamis, there are many systems used to protect costal areas around the world.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
More Chicken Soup #27

(Chinese symbol for friendship)
I read this poem called "One Step Behind" in the Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul. Some of it goes, " Each day is an endless parade to a destination unknown, life leading you on an unmarked path not clearly shown. Some parts of your path may be rugged and steep, and others have crevasses infinitely deep...I hope that you know, when you are lost in the mist, feeling unloved, and unmissed, that if you glance back, you will find, that I will be there, only one step behind." (Christy Vander Griendt 142). This poem means a lot to be because it is showing how important friendship is. Loyalty and always being there is very important when building a friendship. You especially want someone who will respect you and someone you can depend on. I have had many friendships that haven't worked out because those accentual things are missing. If you find someone you can really trust and someone that will have your back no matter what, you should stick with them because true friends aren't about being "popular" or anything, they are about sharing interests and liking the person for who they really are.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul # 26

Now that I have read all of the books in the Twilight Saga, I have decided to make a blog on a Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul on Love & Friendship. I just read a poem in the book and it goes (this is just a part of it), " You're my silly, mature, caring, thoughtful, bright and honest guy. The one who holds me tightly, when I need to cry. You are all I've ever wanted, you are all I need. You are all I've dreamed of, you are all of this to me." (Melissa Collette 23). Before the poem, this woman talks about how she met the perfect guy, and how he means everything to her till this day. This quote/poem really reminds me of love, and the theme of true love and being infatuated. This also relates to what we are learning right now about the play a Midsummer Night's Dream, and it reminded me of how true love can never break any two people apart and they will do anything to be together.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer #25 FINAL

Once and for all I finished the book! I am so happy, but also very mad about the ending. Although everything turns out good, that still leave you hanging on a few things. Like Jacob and Renesmee's relationship, and Edward and Bella's future. They say that all is well and everyone is safe and happy, but what if the Volturi ever come back? I wish Stephanie Meyer would make another book, I feel like there are so many more things so add on, and five books is better than four. The book ends with the Volturi deciding to leave, but they don't know if they will ever return. All of their faithful friends leave, and the Cullens are left in peace. But I wonder...what happens now? Even though it seems like a good time to end the book, I don't feel like it should be over, considering there are so many more things they said in the book that could add more onto the story. Oh well. Overall I thought all four of the books were absolutely amazing, and now I want to go buy her new book, The Host!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer #24
Finally I understand now. Jasper and Alice came back to physically show the Volturi that there are other people/vampires in the world like Renesmee. This is great because now the Volturi can ask him questions, and see if he has really harmed the world in any way. Edward knew about Alice and Jasper leaving, but didn't tell Bella with fear that she would not be able to keep the secret. I was glad to hear that both Alice and Jasper didn't actually run away, but were helping their family, which is very important. Aro, leader of the Volturi, asked the question, "And your diet?"(Meyer 736). Nahuel responded, "Mostly blood, but some human food, too. I can survive on either." (Meyer 736). Aro also questioned with doubt, " And you reached maturity at what age?" (Meyer 736). "About seven years after my birth, more or less, I was full grown," said Nahuel. (Meyer 736). If I didn't explain before, this last question needed to be asked because Renesmee was growing at an abnormally fast rate, causing the Cullens to wonder if she would ever stop growing. Finally their question was answered. Once the Volturi asked all they could, they eventually understood that there was nothing they could do. This boy Nahuel, was not a threat to the outside world, so neither would Renesmee be. I think that there is nothing left for the Volturi to question, they have to let the Cullens go and live in peace.
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