(Chinese symbol for friendship)
I read this poem called "One Step Behind" in the Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul. Some of it goes, " Each day is an endless parade to a destination unknown, life leading you on an unmarked path not clearly shown. Some parts of your path may be rugged and steep, and others have crevasses infinitely deep...I hope that you know, when you are lost in the mist, feeling unloved, and unmissed, that if you glance back, you will find, that I will be there, only one step behind." (Christy Vander Griendt 142). This poem means a lot to be because it is showing how important friendship is. Loyalty and always being there is very important when building a friendship. You especially want someone who will respect you and someone you can depend on. I have had many friendships that haven't worked out because those accentual things are missing. If you find someone you can really trust and someone that will have your back no matter what, you should stick with them because true friends aren't about being "popular" or anything, they are about sharing interests and liking the person for who they really are.
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