Friday, February 25, 2011

Basketball Video Response

That video was very decieving. I think that it relates to creativity because it is trying to make you see every aspect- mainly focusing on the gorilla and the people in white shirts passing the ball- while having to deal with the destractions of the people in the black shirts. This requires a wide range of abstract thinking and being aware of your surroundings.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Character Sketch

Sketch I
I walk up to the back of the classroom steady and certain. I am ready to present. My nerves rush away and I have excitement flowing through my bones. I quickly form myself into a comfortable position-leaning against the wall with my legs crossed and hands behind my back. I look up for reassurance from the crowd; bewildering at the smiling faces gleaming against the bright, flourescent light. My presentation is quick, but heartfelt. I introduce a small necklace laced with pearls that was given to me from my grandma on a very special occassion. I stretch my hands out to show the audience my meaningful gift and twirl it slightly around my fingers before returning to my desk.

Explaination I
Descriptive language-flowing through my bones, smiling faces, twirl it slightly around my fingers
action-leaning against the wall, legs crossed, hands behind my back, stretch my hands out
verbs-"leaning," "gleaming," "flowing"

Sketch II
Bonet walked up to the front of the room, quickly halted, and stood in a comfortable spot. She seemed a little nervous, admitting she was shakey and scared to present her personal life in front of the class. You could see the glimpse of sadness spread across her face as she began her troubling story about being diagnosed with Tuberculosis and how she overcame the disease, showing strength in her words. This presented a reflective feeling to her talk, symbolizing her life of sickness and her childhood as a whole. Bonet was fearful of her classmates' thoughts, but she was calm and collected, giving everyone a change to process the information. She then concluded her speech and left the audience in a curious stare.

Explaination II
sense words-nervous, shakey, scared, fearful, calm, collected
imagery-quickly halted, showing strength, symboling her life of sickness, curious stare

Sketch III
Devin walked up to the front of the classroom in a confident demeanor. He slowly swayed from side to side, using his hands as an easy tool to talk. He seemed dazed; wandering off into his own thoughts about the sport of football, maybe thinking of the great memories locked in his mind. He picked up the special football, being sure to tell the class that this had, in fact, been his first time touching it, showing his sense of respect and possessiveness to the object. As his speech came to an end, he left the class wide-eyed and wondering, as if the only thing to do was to stare and "clap" our hands gently.

Explaination II
Alliteration- wide-eyed and wondering
imagery- confident demeanor, slowly swayed, used his hands to talk, touched the football
symbolism-football represented how important it is in his life

Monday, February 21, 2011

Accidental Lessons

Part I
1. Sleepover
2. Cross Country/Running
3. 7th Grade Band
4. Lord of the Rings
5. Dad
6. 6th Grade Talent Show
7. Vacation
8. My 3 Sisters
9. Singing/Choir
10. Pets

A. Everything happens for a reason/became thankful for all that I have.
B. Do things that make you happy.
C. Be yourself; don't fall into the status quo.
D. Don't take things for granted.
E. Don't let anyone get in the way of what you want to do.
F. Treasure what means the most to you.
G. Grow up and stop being immature.
H. I love reading fiction.
I. I still rely strongly on my mom.
J. It is a great stress reliever.

Answers: 1. G 2. J 3. E 4. H 5. A 6. C 7. D 8. F 9. B 10. I

Part II
Don't take things for granted-When I was little, I always acted like I never got enough. I never had enough material things and I wasn't cool enough. Now that I'm older, I realize that I have SO much and I never realized how much my mom does for me. I am extremely fortunate for a loving family and caring mom, and I now know that I have a lot more than most people do growing up.

Learn to appreciate the small things-My mom has always been the backbone of our family and always thinks of others before herself. Everyone thinks of my mom as the "nice" mom because of her always-happy personality and kind nature. She has done so many little things for me that add up in the end, like buying me breakfast, going out of her way to pick me up from school, taking me on trips, etc.

Love your life and have fun-My mom's motto in life is to "live it up, but be safe" and I truely live by that. Whenever I'm down in the dumps, I always look to my mom or my sisters for advice and they always cheer me up and remind me what a great life I really have.

Be who you want to be and create your own life-When I was in middle school, I always gave into my peers and went along with what they did. Now that I'm older and more mature, I've realized that I can't follow in other peoples' footsteps. I am my own person now and I do what I want to do; whether that applys to the public or not.

Treat others how you would treat yourself-I sometimes forget to think of how I myself would like to be treated, and go ahead and treat others poorly. I am a pretty generous person and tend to try to do more for others than myself, but if it's a bad day, I sometimes get caught up in my own world and forget that I am being rude or mean to someone. I don't mean any harm, but I learned the hard way that you always have to be kind to others because karma truely does come back around.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Conversation With Sister

A few weeks ago my sister and I had a long two hour phone conversation about our lives and college. It was great to talk to her; I hadn't heard from her in about two weeks, which is a long time for us. My sister has always been a great role model and I envy her confidence and maturity.
“Hey!” I said with enthusiasm.
“He bean what's up!” My sister Katharine said.
“Nothing, I just have been really stressed out and busy” I answered.
“Ya same. I think I just failed my final and now I have to do a project with my friends later that I am REALLY not in the mood to do...” She said, trailing off into her own thoughts.
“Oh, that sucks. Well school is just the same old. Nothing interesting or fun I just want to go to college already,” I said.
Then my sister began with what I thought would be meaningless gossip…“You will have SO much fun Christina, like I absolutely love it. You just have to make sure you don't get involved in the wrong crowd. Of course you want to have fun and enjoy life, but it's about much more than that. As a freshman I didn't really know what to expect; I was clueless and vulnerable. Despite this, as I've being growing up, I've been growing in my faith as well. I know it sounds stupid and you may think I'm a jesus-freak, but going on mission trips and being involved with the church has really brought me closer to God and helped me become a better person,” Kath said in a very sympathetic and confident way.
This really made me think. My sister used to be this very intense and her-way-or-the-highway type of person. For her to give me advice like this was a big step and it gave me a lot to re-evaluate in my life.
“No I'm not judging at all. I think that's really important and I'm happy that you are doing that. I go to church every Monday and Wednesday, but I don't really do anything besides that. I think I should start becoming more engaged,” I said, completely meaning every word. I knew that she was trying to be there for me, and for the first time I felt like she really cared.
“Ya it really helps, especially when you're struggling with something. But back to college, I know you'll be happy wherever you end up, but remember to weigh the pros and cons and visit all of the schools you get into,” she said.
I knew she was right. I needed to find a school that I could picture myself attending. “I will don't worry! I'm so glad I have you to talk with because mom always stresses me out and annoys me about it all the time,” I said.
“Ya mom can be really annoying...just base it off of where you think you belong and everything will fall into place,” she said, making me feel excited for the experience of college.
“Yes you're right! Thanks for all of the great advice,” I said. I really meant it, she was very helpful and didn’t stress me out at all.
“No problem, I'm always here for you!” She said lovingly.
“Love you! I have to go eat dinner now, so I'll call you tomorrow!” I stated.
“K love you too! Bye,” she said.
“Bye!” I concluded. I’m so happy and thankful for a sister like Katharine; I am proud of all my sisters and happy that we are so close and united.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Pre-Writing Assignment

Marlin: Hey Christina!
Me: Hi Marlin how's it going?
Marlin: Pretty good. Now I remember there was something you wanted to ask me. What was it again?
Me: Hmm....oh yeah! I wanted to ask you if you had any advice, helpful hints, or ideas for a dialogue I could write between a family member and I?
Marlin: Yes, of course. There are some conversations between you and your mom that I am fond of. You could write about that one time when you were sitting by the fire and your mom told you about her past; her many boyfriends, her college life, how she became who she is today, etc. What about that?
Me: That's a great idea! Except I think I need some more to think about.
Marlin: There are so many conversations you've had with your sisters. For starters, remember that time when Mary "accidentally" pushed you in the lake with all of your clothes on?
Me: Yes! That was terrible.
Marlin: Or just recently when you were having a tough time and Katharine was there for you conforting you, giving you great advice, and you two were having a deep converstaion about life?
Me: Yes, I remember that too. Well, thank you so much Marlin now I have a lot of ideas to choose from!
Marlin: No problem.