I read an article from the washington post about gender roles and equality in the 90's. The article begins by talking about how increased gender equity has enriched both sexes. But both also believe that the strains of this relatively new world have made building successful marriages, raising children and leading satisfying lives more difficult. People wish they could devote more time to their children, but the pressures and stressful lives of working parents just don't give them enough time. Although it is nice to see men and women working side by side, both agree that it would be easier if women would just stay home and take care of the house and children. About 4,000 men and women took a survey and experts found out that majorities of men and women believe there still are more advantages to being a man rather than a woman, and that most men don't understand the problems women face. Most men in polls said that were happy to share house-care and childcare with their spouse, yet women are still mostly doing the dirty work. The article states, "Working mothers still do twice as much housework as their husbands, and more than half of all women questioned expressed at least some dissatisfaction with the amount of help their husbands provide around the house." (Richard Morin and Megan Rosenfeld Page A1)."I think men are beginning to get it, at least some are, some of the time," said survey respondent Traci Hughes-Velez. Hopefully this gender issue will be resolved and both men and women will finally become equal.
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