Sunday, December 21, 2008
Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer #23
I kept reading and now I found out what really happens between the Volturi and the Cullens. No one has ever really liked the Volturi, but vampires are too scared and less powerful than them so they have never stood up to them. Finally that day has come, according to the Cullens. It's time for a change and I agree with them. As the "fight" persists, the Volturi and now beggining to think that if a fight were to happen, they would possibly be defeated. But they would never give up. Then suddenly, right before there very eyes, Alice and Jasper arrive! It's amazing because I thought that they were gone for good, no turning back. They just smile and wave, while the Volturi seem very curious and annoyed about the fact that they showed up. There are also two more people with them, a woman named Huilen and her newphew Nahuel. " His skin was an impossible rich, dark brown. His wary eye3s flashed across the gathering, and they were the color of warm teak. His hair was black and braided, too, like the woman's, though not as long. He was beautiful," as Bella describes him. (Meyer 733). I wonder what these people are doing here and why Alice and Jasper came back.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer #22
Things are getting very skeptical out in the field. Aro's brothers are not agreeing to let the Cullens free, honestly I believe they want to destroy them all. But something very unlikely for the Volturi has happened, they are outnumbered. This is causing great stress upon them so they must make a decision quickly before anything gets out of hand. They decide that Renesmee could be a big threat to the world, and that she can't live anymore. The whole Cullen family is furious by his decision and something happens that no one can explain. Bella's realizes her power of being able to shield everyone on her side. When she is angry and feels defensive she can put up her shield, which she finally mastered to do once they were in great danger. The Volturi was trying very hard to break her bindings but no one can. Jane and Alec from the Volturi side are trying really hard to find a crack in her shield but can't seem to find one. This puts the Cullens and their friends at a larger advantage. So will the Volturi break through her massive cover? Or will they be defeated once and for all? That would make everyone feel a lot better. I wonder what will happen!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer #21

Finally! The Volturi has come. They arrived with more people than they expected, and the three main leaders also brought their wives. Many of the Volturi possess supernatural powers, but so do some of the people on the Cullen's side. Once they came, they stopped about 100 yds away from the Cullens and their friends. Carlisle walked about half way and so did Aro, the head of the other vampires. They spoke for a bit, and Aro asked a few questions about the little girl, which he replied as saying go see her for yourself. So eventually he called up Renesmee and she has her special supernatural power of being able to communicate without talking, so just by touching Aro she was able to tell him her whole life story in excruciating detail. He was amazed, but his brothers weren't. They wanted to destroy Renesmee once and for all because they saw her as a threat to the real world, being half vampire-half mortal. Edward and Bella tried to explain the Aro that she is actually doing quite well in the real world and has been around multiple humans-causing no harm to any of them. So will the Volturi decide to kill Renemee? Or will they let her be free? I will have to read to find out!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer #20
I now have figured out how Renesmee is going to survive if a fight ends up happening. Bella found out that Alice had been leaving her clues about this one man named J. Jenks that she should visit, but she has no idea why or who this man is. She went to the adress of J. Jenks to find out that the location was in the "ghetto" and wondered why Alice would send her to a place like this. She ended up talking to someone and asking him about J.Jenks and the man said that she was not allowed to see him. Finally after many attempts, Bella told him her name, and he called J. Jenks asking if he knew a Bella Cullen. Jenks was so furious with the man because he never told him her name and had him send her to his legitimate office where they could meet. She met with him to figure out what she needed, he started off by asking if she needed passports, birth documents, etc. Then she understood; Alice was trying to help Renesmee if anything happened to herself of Edward. This really made Bella happy. She asked for all of the above, and even paid the man extra. They were to meet at a restaurant the next week. When they met he handed her the documents and other things and wished her the best of luck. She didn't have to explain herself because she was sure that if he knew the Cullens, he would know that they weren't exactly normal. So now I'm anxious for the Volturi to come and I hope they are understanding and listen to Edward, Bella, and Renesmee.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer #19

In the chapter that I am in, Bella is talking about how she doesn't know if she is ready for the Volturi to come. So many people are gathered in the Cullen's house ready for the Volturi to arrive. No one knows if they are going to be peaceful visit or a conflict will happen. Now there are about 13 people all together waiting the arrival of the Volturi. No one, besides the Romanians, want there to be a fight. The Volturi just have a big misunderstanding about Renesmee and think she is immortal and needs to be destroyed. The Volturi want whats best for the mortal world so that the two worlds don't collide, but the Cullens believe they won't listen to their point of view and that will be a problem when it comes time. Bella and Edward are prepared to fight, but what about Renesmee? Jacob can't possibly defend her all by himself. So what are they going to do?
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Breaking Dawn #18

Once again, I didn't get much reading time in again because I've been pretty busy. Anyway, I am at the part where Alice and Jasper just ran away. They don't think it is safe for them because the Volturi (bad guys) are coming and they think it is the best to leave. One of the Volturi, Aro, would do anything to have Alice, but she would never again to joining their clan and never wants to be separated from Jasper, so everyone thinks that they left for fear of being separated. Before they left, they wrote the Cullens a letter saying, " Don't look for us. There isn't time to waste. Remember: Tanya, Siobhan, Amun, Alistair, all the nomads you can find. We'll seek out Peter and Charlotte on our way. We're so sorry that we have to leave you this way, with no goodbyes or explanations. It's the only way for us. We love you." (Meyer 558). In this passage, Jasper and Alice aren't giving them much to work with, but enough to know that something bad is coming their way. Alice can see the future, so she must have seen something coming. The reason she told them to remember about those certain people is because she wants them to round of friends and family members to help them when the Volturi come because they can not handle them alone, according to Alice. The part that I am at, Bella is trying to use her "power" to shield others besides herself. She is immune from any harm that other vampires put upon her, which is an amazing skill. She is trying to see if she can shield her whole family, but it makes her very tired and worn out. I wonder if she will eventually be able to do it.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Back to Breaking Dawn #17

I decided that I am going to start blogging again about Breaking Dawn because I took a break from the book, but now I really want to start reading and blogging again. So right now I am at the part where Bella is officially a newborn vampire and is just getting the hang of things. She had her baby and she named her Renesmee, which is a mix between Edward's mothers name (Esme) and Bella's mothers name (Renee). She thinks it suits her very well, and the baby seems to like it too. Renesmee has a special talent, which is being able to just touch someone and communicate with them without words. She can describe her feelings to that person or even tell her life story, sometimes she prefers this way of communicating instead of talking. Renesmee also is growing at a very fast pace, which is scaring her family. Everyone agrees that she is the most beautiful little girl they have ever seen. Right now, Bella is being taught how to fight incase anything were to ever happen, but Edward won't teach her how to fight because he is scared he might hurt her. Esme, Edward's mom, and Alice built Edward and Bella their own little cottage just a few miles from the main house. It is a sweet little bungalow and small just fit for a few people. Of course, Alice built in a extremely large closet for Bella because she thinks Bella needs to work on her wardrobe. There is also a cute little room fit for Renesmee and they describe it as the perfect little nursery. Alice's visions of the future and beginning to be more unclear, and I wonder why that is. I guess I will have to read more to find out!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Family In Aspen #16

I read a sad article about how a family of four in Denver were found dead at an Aspen home with high levels of carbon monoxide, the Pitkin County Sheriff's office said Saturday. Authorities said two adults, a man and a woman, along with a boy and a girl were found dead inside. The people have been identified as Parker Lofgren, 39, Caroline Lofgren, 42, and their children, Owen, 10, and Sophie, 8. The family was just visiting Aspen for a holiday weekend. Many people are shocked by their deaths and close friends and relatives both agree that it was very tragic. Sheriff spokeswoman Marie Munday said other Denver friends meeting the family at the house a few miles east of Aspen found them Friday evening, then called 911. A team of technicians determined the house's hot water and snow melting systems malfunctioned, which caused the very high levels of carbon monoxide in the house. Caroline Lofgren, was very involved with several charity boards, including Girls Incorporated of Metro Denver and the Colorado Symphony Orchestra, and also helped raise money for Historic Denver. "Caroline was a wonderful mother…and her quick wit, strength of character and glowing personality endearing her to many friends," Caroline's mother said. Parker Lofgren was a founding partner of the Denver-based St. Charles Capital, which was an investment bank. "He was a true friend socially and philanthropically to Denver, and we will dearly miss his vibrant smile and personality," Parker Lofgren parent's said.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Space Shuttle Safely Lands #15

(Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper)
I read an article about a space shuttle called Endeavour and how its seven astronauts safely returned to Earth on Sunday, but landing in California because of the storms that hit in Florida, which was where their family members were waiting for them. When they landed, the spacecraft's sonic booms caused firefighters to come to the scene thinking it was a fire."Welcome back. That was a great way to finish a fantastic flight," Mission Control radioed when they landed safely in California. Endeavour came home after a 16-day trip that left the international space station newly remodeled and capable of housing bigger crews. The shuttle dropped off all kinds of home improvement equipment, including a new bathroom, kitchenette, exercise machine, two sleeping quarters and a recycling system. The trip wasn't without flaws though, one woman, Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper, let go of a one hundred thousand dollar tool bag during the first space-walk, and could not do anything about it as it floated away in space. The space station additions should enable NASA to double the size of the space station crew by June, astronauts say. The space shuttle's journey, spanned 6.6 million miles and 250 orbits of Earth.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Jellyfish #14

Waikiki lifeguards on Saturday are closing a beach because of an infestation of box jellyfish. They also are warning users of other Oahu beaches to watch out for them, because they can give you a nasty sting. About 2,300 jellyfish were estimated at Waikiki beaches on Saturday and another 1,000 at Ala Moana. More than 20 stings have been reported, and ambulances responded to two incidents. This is a big deal because the amount of jellyfish has been rising. "The monthly influx of the critters began Friday when about 400 were spotted," said an official. Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve was closed on Saturday because of the jellyfish. Warning signs were posted at Ala Moana Beach Park, Diamond Head Beach Park, Duke Paoa Kahanamoku Beach Park, Kapiolani Beach Park, Kuhio Beach Park and San Souci Beach. Officials are saying that people should avoid the beaches for a while so they can clear all of the Jellyfish. They are very dangerous so people should be careful knowing there are jellyfish ready to sting in the Hawaii beaches.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Vampire article # 13

There was an article I read on the movie Twilight which is coming out tomorrow. The article was about how vampires are so attractive to young teenage american girls. Emma Holly throughly explains the Twilight phenomenon. "It's the bad-boy fantasy," says Emma about how teenage girls are raving over the blood sucking vampire. Not only do teenagers like the books, but moms have really come to enjoy then as well, Holly says. She talks about how delightful the desires of a vampire is and how well Stephanie Meyer explains then and portrays them. She says that she is excited about the movie coming out and wishes it the best. Just about 17 million Twilight books were sold along with more than 350 fan sites. Michele Hauf of Coon Rapids, author of the Dark Rapture vampire series, talks about the series Twilight and says, "They drink from animals only, but the whole myths [of vampires] is the moral dilemma of having to drink from mortals, or they could die. They have to struggle with that." He predicts that Twilight the movie, will be "dramatic and titillating." He hopes it will be even more than that.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
California Fires #12

A fire in Los Angeles will need at least a week to get control of the wildfires that have destroyed more than 900 homes. High winds have come from Santa Barbara to Anaheim since Thursday, blazing about 40,900 acres of land. Sustained winds eased, but locally gusty conditions and humidity could continue, the National Weather Service has predicted. Everyone is trying to be optimistic in this devastating disaster, but firefighters are very hopeful to get work done. The most extensive losses have been in the Oakridge Mobile Home Park, where winds were clocked at 70 mph that drove a wall of flames across the hillsides and destroyed nearly 500 homes. No bodies were found after going through the wreckage after the fires. Police think most of those living in the 608 mobile homes fled the fire, Deputy Police Chief Michael Moore said. But he also told those who escaped to call in and let investigators know they survived. One woman who survived said, "I am so thankful that I am at a loss for words. My heart goes out to those not as fortunate."Most of the damage was in Orange County, where more than 100 homes were destroyed.n Santa Barbara County, northwest of Los Angeles, firefighters said they had the Tea fire 95 percent contained after it destroyed more than 100 homes. Among the losses in the 1,900-plus acres it incinerated were a monastery and several mansions in a community where celebrities have homes. One man on Good Morning America even said, "it's amazing, its just gone, rebuilding would be -- it's too much. You can't rebuild that."
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Hunter saves another hunter #11

In central Minnesota, a hunter is being called a life saver for trying to pull another hunter stuck in slough. Peter Schmidt of Orrock Township was hunting in the Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge because of deer hunting season, and heard a hunter calling for help. Schmidt discovered the hunter in the muddy water and unable to move. Schmidt tried to help the man as much as he could then phoned the authorities and the man's family. Rescue then came and pulled the hunter out with a life line. He was taken to Princeton Fairview Hospital for treatment of hypothermia, where Schmidt was also was treated for hypothermia. The sheriff's office guessed that the hunter had been in the slough for at least an hour and the water was slightly above freezing, which could have led to death in about thirty minutes. The sheriff's office said, "Had Schmidt not found him when he did, the results could have been far different." It was a very brave of Schmidt to risk his life for another person who he didn't even know.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Bombing in Iraq #10

Bombs in Iraq killed at least eight people today, wounding many others. The president blamed the bombing on the U.S. military and ordered them to leave. In the city of Mosul, a roadside bomb killed three soldiers and wounded four others. Down south, a bomb attached to a bike wrapped in a trash bag exploded north of Baghdad killed two people, and wounded at least 13 others, including the mayor. A car bomb was discovered last Sunday and they arrested four people because of suspicions. There was also an attack in Amiriyat al-Fallujah which killed eight people and wounded seventeen people at a police checkpoint. This violence has put Iraq in a rocky state, causing government problems. The Prime Minister is studying the U.S. response in changing the draft security. If Iraq doesn't approve the deal, all military units will cease. The Syrian president said that he thinks the U.S. troops should evacuate Iraq as soon as possible. The president himself said, "The latest American aggression on Syrian territory shows that the presence of American occupation forces constitutes a source of continuous threat to the security of Iraq's neighboring states and a factor of instability for the region." (President Bashar Assad). I agree with his statement and I think that the troops also need to return home.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Star Tribune #9

I read about a school in Haiti collapsing on November 9th. Rescuers scurried in search for victims, some rescuers included those from the U.S. The collapse crushed about eighty-eight adults and children and one hundred and fifty people have been treated for injuries, making many wonder about the stability of the country. Also, about five hundred kids crowded the school that morning. This event also brought a lot of global attention, which regularly would be ignored. The president, Rene Preval, said he blamed the government and lack of respect for the law. Rene Preval, the president of Haiti, said, "There is a code already, but they don't follow it. What we need is political stability." (President Rene Preval). Some were even saying that they need to rebuild the city altogether. Haiti's country consists poorly constructed schools and shabby churches. Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, has had many struggles this year, including riots and many hurricanes.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer #8
There was a whole chapter on Bella's pain and torture she was going through after Edward turned her into a vampire. It seemed like such excruciating pain and it baffles me that she overcame it. In chapter 19 Bella says, " Reality was red, it felt like I was being sawed in half, hit by a bus, punched by a prize fighter, trampled by bulls, and submerged in acid, all at the same time." (Meyer 369). This really shows how much pain she was enduring and her real feelings. Once she got over that stage of pain, Bella now fully understood what it was like to be a newborn vampire. She starts to notice things she has never noticed before, like the dust in the air and the individual grains in the hard wood ceiling. Many things that a mortal would not notice because their vision is just so dull. She talks about how she can't even control her movements and they are so fast that it seems as if her change in movement occurred instantaneously. Many questions started to pop up in her head, too. She says, " What about Jacob? Was he fine? Did me long-suffering best friend hate me now? Had he gone back to Sam's pack? Seth and Leah, too? Were the Cullens safe, or had my transformation ignited the war with the pack? Did Edward's blank assurance cover all of that? Or was he just trying to calm me?" (Meyer 291-292). These were just some of the many questions that Bella was asking herself. So what does she do now? Attack the Cullens, who are far more strong and less vulnerable than her, or does she give in and trust them? I think she will trust them because she loves Edward and his family and would never do anything to hurt them, but will she have the strength to? I will soon find out!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer #7
Bella finally had her baby. She went through so much to make this possible, and she is still in pain. After the delivery, they thought she was dead because her heart stopped. That's when Edward stepped into action. He bit her, spreading his venom through her bloodstream to keep her alive, but as a vampire. Jacob seems very depressed and unloved. He feels as if he doesn't have a purpose any longer and that he should leave because he thinks Bella is going to die anyway. Before he leaves though, he wants so much as to get rid of that "abomination", which is the baby. He is contemplating over whether or not he should just kill that baby right then are there. Nothing is holding him back. As he is about to pounce on the baby, he says, "The murderer stared past Rosalie's shoulder at me, its gaze more focused than any newborn creature's gaze should be...My shaking jerked to a stop; heat flooded through me, stronger than before, but it was a new kind of heat-not a burning...Everything inside me came undone as I stared at the tiny porcelain face of the half-vampire, half-human baby." (Meyer 359-360) This shows that just by glancing at the baby, Jacob had to stop from attacking, because he felt warmth and knew that this baby was a part of Bella and he could never kill something that was a part of her. That's when Jacob's narration stopped and now I am about to start Bellas. I'm anxious to see her perspective on things.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer #6
I was reading today and yesterday in my book, and it made me realize how I am actually suddenly feeling bad for Jacob. As much as he wants to stay away from Bella, he honestly can't. He loves her too much to just let her free from his life, so he is holding on by a thin rope. When Jacob and a member of his pack, Leah, are talking, she understands what he's going through and she says, "I know it's going to be bad for you, Jacob. I understand that-maybe better than you think. I don't like her, but...she's your Sam. She's everything you want and everything you can't have." (Meyer 315). In these short sentences, Jacob gets a wake up call. He couldn't even answer her, he was so stunned by how true that statement was. He is also amazed by how much he is beginning to like Leah. How he can actually stand being around her for once. Does this mean anything, though? Will something spark between Jacob and Leah? It seems hard to believe considering they are both in love with people that have feelings for someone else. They both were left in the dust to turn crippled from their own defeated thoughts. I think it will be hard, but Jacob really needs to get over Bella and start thinking about his own life because if he doesn't, he will just be left with pain and sorrow for years to come.
Animated Heroes
In the movie Hercules, Hercules is a hero because when he risks his own life to save Meg it shows that he has amazing courage and willingness to sacrifice his life for others which proves he is a true hero.
This is an image of Mulan cutting her hair to look like a boy so that she can be a hero and have the courage to fight in her fathers place. With a great amount of bravery, she ends up saving her country of China from being attacked.
From the movie The Incredibles, each member of the family has a unique ability of super powers which helps them to be great heroes. For example, when the family in being held captive at the end of the movie, Violet, the daughter, is able to release her family from confinement so they can defeat the evil Syndrome.
Literature: Here is a poem about someone gaining a superpower.
Going Straight
Honestly, I had had no idea that that day
was not to go to plan.
That I would gain superpowers on my way
to aid my fellow man.
A colleague was suffering, to be candid,
the affliction of bad hair.
Jokingly I said straighten and it did
which gave us both a scare.
We did experiment, however, to confirm
what had started as a jest.
But when my supervisor returned with a perm
she was not much impressed.
Fired, I despondently walked home in the rain
until shock stopped me in mid pace.
I'd caught a glimpse of me in a window pane
with not a wrinkle on my face.
I didn't hang about. I wanted to get in -
practice my powers and advance.
By the evening I could flatten even a mountain
...of laundry, with a single glance.
I'd be rich and famous. I'd no longer be a zero.
To domestic strife I would bring peace.
In short I had realised I would be a super hero
and be called "The Anti-Crease".
This is a video tribute to animated heroes:
In this video, Aladdin is a courageous hero by saving Jasmine and freeing the Genie.
While studying about animated heroes, I learned that you don't have to be significant to be a hero. You can be any ordinary person (animated character) to achieve the goals of a hero. If you set your mind to something and reach it, then thats make you a hero in your own way.
In conclusion, I found out that heroes come in many different forms. They can be young, old, smart, foolish, etc. I think that animated heroes are great because people can look up to them and want to be just like them. Animated heroes are great role models because it makes people think the impossible and what they could do to help in our society.
This is an image of Mulan cutting her hair to look like a boy so that she can be a hero and have the courage to fight in her fathers place. With a great amount of bravery, she ends up saving her country of China from being attacked.
From the movie The Incredibles, each member of the family has a unique ability of super powers which helps them to be great heroes. For example, when the family in being held captive at the end of the movie, Violet, the daughter, is able to release her family from confinement so they can defeat the evil Syndrome.
Literature: Here is a poem about someone gaining a superpower.
Going Straight
Honestly, I had had no idea that that day
was not to go to plan.
That I would gain superpowers on my way
to aid my fellow man.
A colleague was suffering, to be candid,
the affliction of bad hair.
Jokingly I said straighten and it did
which gave us both a scare.
We did experiment, however, to confirm
what had started as a jest.
But when my supervisor returned with a perm
she was not much impressed.
Fired, I despondently walked home in the rain
until shock stopped me in mid pace.
I'd caught a glimpse of me in a window pane
with not a wrinkle on my face.
I didn't hang about. I wanted to get in -
practice my powers and advance.
By the evening I could flatten even a mountain
...of laundry, with a single glance.
I'd be rich and famous. I'd no longer be a zero.
To domestic strife I would bring peace.
In short I had realised I would be a super hero
and be called "The Anti-Crease".
This is a video tribute to animated heroes:
In this video, Aladdin is a courageous hero by saving Jasmine and freeing the Genie.
While studying about animated heroes, I learned that you don't have to be significant to be a hero. You can be any ordinary person (animated character) to achieve the goals of a hero. If you set your mind to something and reach it, then thats make you a hero in your own way.
In conclusion, I found out that heroes come in many different forms. They can be young, old, smart, foolish, etc. I think that animated heroes are great because people can look up to them and want to be just like them. Animated heroes are great role models because it makes people think the impossible and what they could do to help in our society.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer #5
Even though Bella is doing well, the "baby" is due in about four days. It is going to be very shocking to see how it all turns out. Jacob doesn't like going back to visit Bella because every time he sees her he knows that those are her final days, and maybe his. Edward doesn't talk much anymore. He does anything that Bella wants, and I don't think that is a good idea. Bella has broken another rib, but still doesn't blame the baby for it. She is in love with that baby as much as she is in love with Edward. Rosalie, Edwards sister, is helping Bella with anything she needs, but everyone knows that she doesn't care about Bella, she only cares about the survival of the baby. They are considering all the myths about vampire babies being born, which say how they literally chew their way out of their own mothers. This is sickening to everyone and they don't know how exactly they are going to have a successful delivery. They think that the baby might be linked somehow to Jacob. Carlisle says to Jacob, "Well, taking your similarities into consideration-" (Meyer 306). He is basically stating that they are similar in many ways, like how they both are growing at great speeds, and the fact that Alice's ability to see the future does not affect them. So why does the baby have so many similarities to a werewolf when it is a vampire?
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer #4
I just found out that the blood is actually really working for Bella. It has made her healthier and she looks less ghostly as she did before when the fetus was just hurting her. It turns out that also she seems to be liking the blood as well. That is kind of twisted and I am still wondering why. She says, "It smells good," and also says , "It tastes good, too." (Meyer 249). This is really good news to everyone, besides Jacob. He is utterly repulsed by the idea of drinking blood and thinks it is not right for Bella to do, but he respects her wishes and tries to be as kind and he can about her decision. He still has wishes that she would change her mind about becoming a vampire and wishes she would just be with him. Edward is very happy to see that Bella is getting better but Jacob still thinks that he has his doubts too. I am nervous to see how this all plays out and if she delivers the baby, or ends of dyeing before.
Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer #3
I am still currently reading the book Breaking Dawn. It is very suspenseful and exciting. I am now almost done with Jacob's narration in this part of the book. He is still madly in love with Bella, but knows there is so way he can have her unless something were to happen to Edward. I am at the part where Bella is very sick. This is because she is pregnant with a vampire's baby, which has never happened before so they do not knwo what to expect this child to turn out like. The "thing" (as they call it) has already broken one of her ribs and is causing much internal bruising. At one time, Carlisle comes to explain what is going on to Bella to Jacob, and Edward was listening to Jacob's thoughts and it made him think of an idea to try. He says, "We've been trying to get Bella what she needs. And her body is accepting it about as well as one of ours would. Perhaps we should address the needs of the ...fetus first. Maybe if we can satisfy it, we'll be able to help her more effectively." ( Meyer 238-239) He is referring to blood is this passage and later on I am hoping that making her drink blood will work!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Lush by Natasha Friend #2
This book is about a girl who goes from good girl to bad. Her father is an alcoholic and her mother is just so stressed all the time. She writes back and forth with a pen pal that she has no idea who it is, but just needs a friend to talk to. She finds out that guys older than her are noticing her and that amuses her and makes her feel as if she is the queen of the school. Later she realizes that it is wrong and she wants to go back to her old friends. I wish she would have realized earlier that she was really hurting her friends and skipping out on the sleep-over was a bad idea. She learned that she can't always think of herself in difficult situations because other people may be hurt too.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer #1
Breaking Dawn is the last of the Twilight saga and the book that I am reading right now. The book is split into three different parts. The part that I am in is about Bella and her marriage and honeymoon with Edward and her unexpected pregnancy. They both didn't see this coming and Edward is completely shocked. After Bella had told him she was pregnant in her narration she said, "He didn't respond. He had turned into a sculpture." ( Meyer 124). After he composed himself, he said that he wanted that "thing" out of her. She was mad about this and knew right then that she wanted to try to keep this baby alive, even if it killed her. I am now starting the second part which Jacob is narrating and I'm curious to see what his point of view is on everything!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
In the book Eclipse, it is about a teenage girl, Bella, finding her true love, Edward, who ends up being a bloodsucking vampire. They overcome many obstacles and multiple encounters with enemies. Even through all the rough times they have been having, they are still in love and to me, seem as they will always be.
Right now in the book, Bella is being torn between two boys-Edward and Jacob. Jacob is her very best friend. He is a loyal, fun, and energetic friend, but only when he is himself. Otherwise, he a rude, mean, and uncaring fellow that doesn't act normal. This is because he is a Werewolf. The Werewolf are the Vampires worst enemy, so it is very hard for Bella to be with both her love Edward, and her best friend Jacob. Jacob just recently told Bella that he loved her. She was speechless and appaled at the same time. She knows that no one can replace Edward, but Jacob will die trying. She refuses to answer his question on whether or not she loves him, because he knows the answer. Then suddenly Jacob leans in and kisses her, longer than she expected. She tried to release his strong grasp, but is defeated in the end. She is so angry with him, that she punches him and ends up injurying her hand. He drives her home, feeling just so joyful, while she is pouting and rude in return. She hates the fact that her father likes Jacob more than Edward. If only she could leave her life and be with Edward forever.
Right now in the book, Bella is being torn between two boys-Edward and Jacob. Jacob is her very best friend. He is a loyal, fun, and energetic friend, but only when he is himself. Otherwise, he a rude, mean, and uncaring fellow that doesn't act normal. This is because he is a Werewolf. The Werewolf are the Vampires worst enemy, so it is very hard for Bella to be with both her love Edward, and her best friend Jacob. Jacob just recently told Bella that he loved her. She was speechless and appaled at the same time. She knows that no one can replace Edward, but Jacob will die trying. She refuses to answer his question on whether or not she loves him, because he knows the answer. Then suddenly Jacob leans in and kisses her, longer than she expected. She tried to release his strong grasp, but is defeated in the end. She is so angry with him, that she punches him and ends up injurying her hand. He drives her home, feeling just so joyful, while she is pouting and rude in return. She hates the fact that her father likes Jacob more than Edward. If only she could leave her life and be with Edward forever.
Monday, September 15, 2008
I chose to describe myself as involved because there are many things I do to get involved, whether it be outside of school or not. Some ways that I am involved in school is by participating on the girls cross country team and girls track and field team. On the other hand, outside of school I am a religion teacher at my church for young kids, and I volunteer at Methodist Hospital, along with Arc Village. At home, I am busy helping my mom with dinner and lending a hand when she's doing the laundry. So, as you can see, I am involved in many different ways at school, volunteering, and at home.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Hall of Fame
Christina Graduated from EHS in 2011. She was an honors graduate and three-sport athlete. She received the Athena Award and Student Leadership Award from the Edina Chamber of Commerce. She graduated from Northwestern University and received her dental degree from Yale University specializing in orthodontics. Christina pioneered the first global dentistry practice with 16 offices worldwide. Through a personal charitable foundation she provides free dental services to children in impoverished villages in Africa. She serves on the Governor's commission on dental health in Massachusetts. Christina is happily marred and lives with her three children in Boston, Massachusetts.
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