Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer #20

I now have figured out how Renesmee is going to survive if a fight ends up happening. Bella found out that Alice had been leaving her clues about this one man named J. Jenks that she should visit, but she has no idea why or who this man is. She went to the adress of J. Jenks to find out that the location was in the "ghetto" and wondered why Alice would send her to a place like this. She ended up talking to someone and asking him about J.Jenks and the man said that she was not allowed to see him. Finally after many attempts, Bella told him her name, and he called J. Jenks asking if he knew a Bella Cullen. Jenks was so furious with the man because he never told him her name and had him send her to his legitimate office where they could meet. She met with him to figure out what she needed, he started off by asking if she needed passports, birth documents, etc. Then she understood; Alice was trying to help Renesmee if anything happened to herself of Edward. This really made Bella happy. She asked for all of the above, and even paid the man extra. They were to meet at a restaurant the next week. When they met he handed her the documents and other things and wished her the best of luck. She didn't have to explain herself because she was sure that if he knew the Cullens, he would know that they weren't exactly normal. So now I'm anxious for the Volturi to come and I hope they are understanding and listen to Edward, Bella, and Renesmee.

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