Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer #4

I just found out that the blood is actually really working for Bella. It has made her healthier and she looks less ghostly as she did before when the fetus was just hurting her. It turns out that also she seems to be liking the blood as well. That is kind of twisted and I am still wondering why. She says, "It smells good," and also says , "It tastes good, too." (Meyer 249). This is really good news to everyone, besides Jacob. He is utterly repulsed by the idea of drinking blood and thinks it is not right for Bella to do, but he respects her wishes and tries to be as kind and he can about her decision. He still has wishes that she would change her mind about becoming a vampire and wishes she would just be with him. Edward is very happy to see that Bella is getting better but Jacob still thinks that he has his doubts too. I am nervous to see how this all plays out and if she delivers the baby, or ends of dyeing before.

1 comment:

Ansley said...

Good job on explaning what happened. This book is so good!