In central Minnesota, a hunter is being called a life saver for trying to pull another hunter stuck in slough. Peter Schmidt of Orrock Township was hunting in the Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge because of deer hunting season, and heard a hunter calling for help. Schmidt discovered the hunter in the muddy water and unable to move. Schmidt tried to help the man as much as he could then phoned the authorities and the man's family. Rescue then came and pulled the hunter out with a life line. He was taken to Princeton Fairview Hospital for treatment of hypothermia, where Schmidt was also was treated for hypothermia. The sheriff's office guessed that the hunter had been in the slough for at least an hour and the water was slightly above freezing, which could have led to death in about thirty minutes. The sheriff's office said, "Had Schmidt not found him when he did, the results could have been far different." It was a very brave of Schmidt to risk his life for another person who he didn't even know.
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