Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer #8
There was a whole chapter on Bella's pain and torture she was going through after Edward turned her into a vampire. It seemed like such excruciating pain and it baffles me that she overcame it. In chapter 19 Bella says, " Reality was red, it felt like I was being sawed in half, hit by a bus, punched by a prize fighter, trampled by bulls, and submerged in acid, all at the same time." (Meyer 369). This really shows how much pain she was enduring and her real feelings. Once she got over that stage of pain, Bella now fully understood what it was like to be a newborn vampire. She starts to notice things she has never noticed before, like the dust in the air and the individual grains in the hard wood ceiling. Many things that a mortal would not notice because their vision is just so dull. She talks about how she can't even control her movements and they are so fast that it seems as if her change in movement occurred instantaneously. Many questions started to pop up in her head, too. She says, " What about Jacob? Was he fine? Did me long-suffering best friend hate me now? Had he gone back to Sam's pack? Seth and Leah, too? Were the Cullens safe, or had my transformation ignited the war with the pack? Did Edward's blank assurance cover all of that? Or was he just trying to calm me?" (Meyer 291-292). These were just some of the many questions that Bella was asking herself. So what does she do now? Attack the Cullens, who are far more strong and less vulnerable than her, or does she give in and trust them? I think she will trust them because she loves Edward and his family and would never do anything to hurt them, but will she have the strength to? I will soon find out!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer #7
Bella finally had her baby. She went through so much to make this possible, and she is still in pain. After the delivery, they thought she was dead because her heart stopped. That's when Edward stepped into action. He bit her, spreading his venom through her bloodstream to keep her alive, but as a vampire. Jacob seems very depressed and unloved. He feels as if he doesn't have a purpose any longer and that he should leave because he thinks Bella is going to die anyway. Before he leaves though, he wants so much as to get rid of that "abomination", which is the baby. He is contemplating over whether or not he should just kill that baby right then are there. Nothing is holding him back. As he is about to pounce on the baby, he says, "The murderer stared past Rosalie's shoulder at me, its gaze more focused than any newborn creature's gaze should be...My shaking jerked to a stop; heat flooded through me, stronger than before, but it was a new kind of heat-not a burning...Everything inside me came undone as I stared at the tiny porcelain face of the half-vampire, half-human baby." (Meyer 359-360) This shows that just by glancing at the baby, Jacob had to stop from attacking, because he felt warmth and knew that this baby was a part of Bella and he could never kill something that was a part of her. That's when Jacob's narration stopped and now I am about to start Bellas. I'm anxious to see her perspective on things.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer #6
I was reading today and yesterday in my book, and it made me realize how I am actually suddenly feeling bad for Jacob. As much as he wants to stay away from Bella, he honestly can't. He loves her too much to just let her free from his life, so he is holding on by a thin rope. When Jacob and a member of his pack, Leah, are talking, she understands what he's going through and she says, "I know it's going to be bad for you, Jacob. I understand that-maybe better than you think. I don't like her, but...she's your Sam. She's everything you want and everything you can't have." (Meyer 315). In these short sentences, Jacob gets a wake up call. He couldn't even answer her, he was so stunned by how true that statement was. He is also amazed by how much he is beginning to like Leah. How he can actually stand being around her for once. Does this mean anything, though? Will something spark between Jacob and Leah? It seems hard to believe considering they are both in love with people that have feelings for someone else. They both were left in the dust to turn crippled from their own defeated thoughts. I think it will be hard, but Jacob really needs to get over Bella and start thinking about his own life because if he doesn't, he will just be left with pain and sorrow for years to come.
Animated Heroes
In the movie Hercules, Hercules is a hero because when he risks his own life to save Meg it shows that he has amazing courage and willingness to sacrifice his life for others which proves he is a true hero.

This is an image of Mulan cutting her hair to look like a boy so that she can be a hero and have the courage to fight in her fathers place. With a great amount of bravery, she ends up saving her country of China from being attacked.

From the movie The Incredibles, each member of the family has a unique ability of super powers which helps them to be great heroes. For example, when the family in being held captive at the end of the movie, Violet, the daughter, is able to release her family from confinement so they can defeat the evil Syndrome.

Literature: Here is a poem about someone gaining a superpower.
Going Straight
Honestly, I had had no idea that that day
was not to go to plan.
That I would gain superpowers on my way
to aid my fellow man.
A colleague was suffering, to be candid,
the affliction of bad hair.
Jokingly I said straighten and it did
which gave us both a scare.
We did experiment, however, to confirm
what had started as a jest.
But when my supervisor returned with a perm
she was not much impressed.
Fired, I despondently walked home in the rain
until shock stopped me in mid pace.
I'd caught a glimpse of me in a window pane
with not a wrinkle on my face.
I didn't hang about. I wanted to get in -
practice my powers and advance.
By the evening I could flatten even a mountain
...of laundry, with a single glance.
I'd be rich and famous. I'd no longer be a zero.
To domestic strife I would bring peace.
In short I had realised I would be a super hero
and be called "The Anti-Crease".
This is a video tribute to animated heroes:
In this video, Aladdin is a courageous hero by saving Jasmine and freeing the Genie.
While studying about animated heroes, I learned that you don't have to be significant to be a hero. You can be any ordinary person (animated character) to achieve the goals of a hero. If you set your mind to something and reach it, then thats make you a hero in your own way.
In conclusion, I found out that heroes come in many different forms. They can be young, old, smart, foolish, etc. I think that animated heroes are great because people can look up to them and want to be just like them. Animated heroes are great role models because it makes people think the impossible and what they could do to help in our society.

This is an image of Mulan cutting her hair to look like a boy so that she can be a hero and have the courage to fight in her fathers place. With a great amount of bravery, she ends up saving her country of China from being attacked.

From the movie The Incredibles, each member of the family has a unique ability of super powers which helps them to be great heroes. For example, when the family in being held captive at the end of the movie, Violet, the daughter, is able to release her family from confinement so they can defeat the evil Syndrome.

Literature: Here is a poem about someone gaining a superpower.
Going Straight
Honestly, I had had no idea that that day
was not to go to plan.
That I would gain superpowers on my way
to aid my fellow man.
A colleague was suffering, to be candid,
the affliction of bad hair.
Jokingly I said straighten and it did
which gave us both a scare.
We did experiment, however, to confirm
what had started as a jest.
But when my supervisor returned with a perm
she was not much impressed.
Fired, I despondently walked home in the rain
until shock stopped me in mid pace.
I'd caught a glimpse of me in a window pane
with not a wrinkle on my face.
I didn't hang about. I wanted to get in -
practice my powers and advance.
By the evening I could flatten even a mountain
...of laundry, with a single glance.
I'd be rich and famous. I'd no longer be a zero.
To domestic strife I would bring peace.
In short I had realised I would be a super hero
and be called "The Anti-Crease".
This is a video tribute to animated heroes:
In this video, Aladdin is a courageous hero by saving Jasmine and freeing the Genie.
While studying about animated heroes, I learned that you don't have to be significant to be a hero. You can be any ordinary person (animated character) to achieve the goals of a hero. If you set your mind to something and reach it, then thats make you a hero in your own way.
In conclusion, I found out that heroes come in many different forms. They can be young, old, smart, foolish, etc. I think that animated heroes are great because people can look up to them and want to be just like them. Animated heroes are great role models because it makes people think the impossible and what they could do to help in our society.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer #5
Even though Bella is doing well, the "baby" is due in about four days. It is going to be very shocking to see how it all turns out. Jacob doesn't like going back to visit Bella because every time he sees her he knows that those are her final days, and maybe his. Edward doesn't talk much anymore. He does anything that Bella wants, and I don't think that is a good idea. Bella has broken another rib, but still doesn't blame the baby for it. She is in love with that baby as much as she is in love with Edward. Rosalie, Edwards sister, is helping Bella with anything she needs, but everyone knows that she doesn't care about Bella, she only cares about the survival of the baby. They are considering all the myths about vampire babies being born, which say how they literally chew their way out of their own mothers. This is sickening to everyone and they don't know how exactly they are going to have a successful delivery. They think that the baby might be linked somehow to Jacob. Carlisle says to Jacob, "Well, taking your similarities into consideration-" (Meyer 306). He is basically stating that they are similar in many ways, like how they both are growing at great speeds, and the fact that Alice's ability to see the future does not affect them. So why does the baby have so many similarities to a werewolf when it is a vampire?
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer #4
I just found out that the blood is actually really working for Bella. It has made her healthier and she looks less ghostly as she did before when the fetus was just hurting her. It turns out that also she seems to be liking the blood as well. That is kind of twisted and I am still wondering why. She says, "It smells good," and also says , "It tastes good, too." (Meyer 249). This is really good news to everyone, besides Jacob. He is utterly repulsed by the idea of drinking blood and thinks it is not right for Bella to do, but he respects her wishes and tries to be as kind and he can about her decision. He still has wishes that she would change her mind about becoming a vampire and wishes she would just be with him. Edward is very happy to see that Bella is getting better but Jacob still thinks that he has his doubts too. I am nervous to see how this all plays out and if she delivers the baby, or ends of dyeing before.
Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer #3
I am still currently reading the book Breaking Dawn. It is very suspenseful and exciting. I am now almost done with Jacob's narration in this part of the book. He is still madly in love with Bella, but knows there is so way he can have her unless something were to happen to Edward. I am at the part where Bella is very sick. This is because she is pregnant with a vampire's baby, which has never happened before so they do not knwo what to expect this child to turn out like. The "thing" (as they call it) has already broken one of her ribs and is causing much internal bruising. At one time, Carlisle comes to explain what is going on to Bella to Jacob, and Edward was listening to Jacob's thoughts and it made him think of an idea to try. He says, "We've been trying to get Bella what she needs. And her body is accepting it about as well as one of ours would. Perhaps we should address the needs of the ...fetus first. Maybe if we can satisfy it, we'll be able to help her more effectively." ( Meyer 238-239) He is referring to blood is this passage and later on I am hoping that making her drink blood will work!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Lush by Natasha Friend #2
This book is about a girl who goes from good girl to bad. Her father is an alcoholic and her mother is just so stressed all the time. She writes back and forth with a pen pal that she has no idea who it is, but just needs a friend to talk to. She finds out that guys older than her are noticing her and that amuses her and makes her feel as if she is the queen of the school. Later she realizes that it is wrong and she wants to go back to her old friends. I wish she would have realized earlier that she was really hurting her friends and skipping out on the sleep-over was a bad idea. She learned that she can't always think of herself in difficult situations because other people may be hurt too.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer #1
Breaking Dawn is the last of the Twilight saga and the book that I am reading right now. The book is split into three different parts. The part that I am in is about Bella and her marriage and honeymoon with Edward and her unexpected pregnancy. They both didn't see this coming and Edward is completely shocked. After Bella had told him she was pregnant in her narration she said, "He didn't respond. He had turned into a sculpture." ( Meyer 124). After he composed himself, he said that he wanted that "thing" out of her. She was mad about this and knew right then that she wanted to try to keep this baby alive, even if it killed her. I am now starting the second part which Jacob is narrating and I'm curious to see what his point of view is on everything!
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