Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Reading Blog #6

"Life is hard already. Why make it harder?" (Shepard 201). This quote in simple, yet it has a lot of meaning behind it. For all, life is worth living and learning everyday. I learn new things everyday and I love finding out more and more about the meaning of life. Yet, life has its ups and downs as well. As the quote says, "life is hard", I believe it is very true, at least 50% of the time. I love living life, but sometimes I hate it. Like when I don't get my way or I have to do something I don't want to do. For example, I never wanted to play piano from the start, but my mom forced me to play, but now I am happy that I played because I can now play piano forever. Even though things in life can be hard, it will pay off in the end, you just have to endure the difficulties first.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Blog #6

One little boy rode a unicycle,
but was pretending to ride a unicorn,
talking in a monotone voice,
he rode to the university,
and saw his first college student,
then he did a solo at his elementary school,
and went home proud.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Reading Blog #5

At the end of the Perfect novel, one main character named Hannah, gets hit by a car and is sent into a coma. This relates to me because my sister's friend was driving a car and didn't notice someone crossing the street in front of her on a bike. The girl ended up hitting the man on the bike causing multiple injuries to the man's body. The girl was just fine, but in shock of what she did. The man when then taken to the hospital where he was sent innocently into a coma. The girl was absolutely a wreck over what happened, but to her surprise, the man awoke just a week later. If he had not waken up, the girl probably would've gone to jail because she was 18, or suffered many other consequences. I'm sure she still had to pay money or pay for his medical bill, but that's a lot better than going to jail and living with the fact that she killed someone her whole life. She was informed, though, that he may not be the same person when he wakes up and he might not remember who he is. To her luck and surprise, he was only confused and suffered minor brain injuries. This is a wake up call to everyone, because just one moment of not paying attention to what's going on around you could cost a life and long-time regret for the rest of your life. No matter the situation someone may be in, they need to be very cautious and aware of their surroundings.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Reading Blog #4

"She could almost hear her mother's voice: I can't even look at you right now." (Shepard 274). Everyone has done something that has made their parents feel ashamed of their kid. For example, Spencer stole her sister's AP Economics essay, just to keep up with her outstanding 4.0 average. When "A" somehow secretly revealed her secret to Spencer's sister Melissa, she went crazy. Her mother acted as if she had disowned Spencer and her whole family ignored her. Even though these things happen, your parents eventually forgive you because your bond as family members are stronger than any trouble along the road to come. Of course there is the grief and guilt of what you did or how you spoke to your mother, but in the end everything is okay. In the heat of the moment, every person gets tense and has anger bottled up, but once a person can calm down, things usually work out.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Blog #4

Four men were singing a quartet,
to four little quadruplets,
then the men went up the quad lift,
to ski down the hill,
while the children played with quadrangle blocks

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Reading Blog #3

Dear "A",

Why do you have to harass these girls so much? What have they done to you? If you don't reveal yourself soon, even more problems are going to spring about. The way you are treating these girls is ridiculous and you could get into serious trouble. How can you know what each girl is doing at the exact same time if you are doing this all by yourself? I think that you just really need to speak to these girls and communicate to them what you want because if you continue what you are doing now, you will never get what you want and both sides will end of loosing. The best way to solve problems is by talking with someone about it or else it will all be bottled up inside and there will be no progress. In general, I think you need to show everyone your real identity and save us all some time and energy, so that this "problem" you have with these girls can be fixed.

Yours Truly,

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Blog #3

I went for a bicycle ride,
and saw two birds soaring through the sky,
then noticed twins playing in the park,
i then returned home and did a binomial distribution problem for math,
after that i practiced a duet with my friend,
i had two servings of pasta for dinner,
lastly i brushed my teeth twice for a nice, refreshing feeling.