Sunday, December 21, 2008
Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer #23
I kept reading and now I found out what really happens between the Volturi and the Cullens. No one has ever really liked the Volturi, but vampires are too scared and less powerful than them so they have never stood up to them. Finally that day has come, according to the Cullens. It's time for a change and I agree with them. As the "fight" persists, the Volturi and now beggining to think that if a fight were to happen, they would possibly be defeated. But they would never give up. Then suddenly, right before there very eyes, Alice and Jasper arrive! It's amazing because I thought that they were gone for good, no turning back. They just smile and wave, while the Volturi seem very curious and annoyed about the fact that they showed up. There are also two more people with them, a woman named Huilen and her newphew Nahuel. " His skin was an impossible rich, dark brown. His wary eye3s flashed across the gathering, and they were the color of warm teak. His hair was black and braided, too, like the woman's, though not as long. He was beautiful," as Bella describes him. (Meyer 733). I wonder what these people are doing here and why Alice and Jasper came back.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer #22
Things are getting very skeptical out in the field. Aro's brothers are not agreeing to let the Cullens free, honestly I believe they want to destroy them all. But something very unlikely for the Volturi has happened, they are outnumbered. This is causing great stress upon them so they must make a decision quickly before anything gets out of hand. They decide that Renesmee could be a big threat to the world, and that she can't live anymore. The whole Cullen family is furious by his decision and something happens that no one can explain. Bella's realizes her power of being able to shield everyone on her side. When she is angry and feels defensive she can put up her shield, which she finally mastered to do once they were in great danger. The Volturi was trying very hard to break her bindings but no one can. Jane and Alec from the Volturi side are trying really hard to find a crack in her shield but can't seem to find one. This puts the Cullens and their friends at a larger advantage. So will the Volturi break through her massive cover? Or will they be defeated once and for all? That would make everyone feel a lot better. I wonder what will happen!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer #21

Finally! The Volturi has come. They arrived with more people than they expected, and the three main leaders also brought their wives. Many of the Volturi possess supernatural powers, but so do some of the people on the Cullen's side. Once they came, they stopped about 100 yds away from the Cullens and their friends. Carlisle walked about half way and so did Aro, the head of the other vampires. They spoke for a bit, and Aro asked a few questions about the little girl, which he replied as saying go see her for yourself. So eventually he called up Renesmee and she has her special supernatural power of being able to communicate without talking, so just by touching Aro she was able to tell him her whole life story in excruciating detail. He was amazed, but his brothers weren't. They wanted to destroy Renesmee once and for all because they saw her as a threat to the real world, being half vampire-half mortal. Edward and Bella tried to explain the Aro that she is actually doing quite well in the real world and has been around multiple humans-causing no harm to any of them. So will the Volturi decide to kill Renemee? Or will they let her be free? I will have to read to find out!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer #20
I now have figured out how Renesmee is going to survive if a fight ends up happening. Bella found out that Alice had been leaving her clues about this one man named J. Jenks that she should visit, but she has no idea why or who this man is. She went to the adress of J. Jenks to find out that the location was in the "ghetto" and wondered why Alice would send her to a place like this. She ended up talking to someone and asking him about J.Jenks and the man said that she was not allowed to see him. Finally after many attempts, Bella told him her name, and he called J. Jenks asking if he knew a Bella Cullen. Jenks was so furious with the man because he never told him her name and had him send her to his legitimate office where they could meet. She met with him to figure out what she needed, he started off by asking if she needed passports, birth documents, etc. Then she understood; Alice was trying to help Renesmee if anything happened to herself of Edward. This really made Bella happy. She asked for all of the above, and even paid the man extra. They were to meet at a restaurant the next week. When they met he handed her the documents and other things and wished her the best of luck. She didn't have to explain herself because she was sure that if he knew the Cullens, he would know that they weren't exactly normal. So now I'm anxious for the Volturi to come and I hope they are understanding and listen to Edward, Bella, and Renesmee.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer #19

In the chapter that I am in, Bella is talking about how she doesn't know if she is ready for the Volturi to come. So many people are gathered in the Cullen's house ready for the Volturi to arrive. No one knows if they are going to be peaceful visit or a conflict will happen. Now there are about 13 people all together waiting the arrival of the Volturi. No one, besides the Romanians, want there to be a fight. The Volturi just have a big misunderstanding about Renesmee and think she is immortal and needs to be destroyed. The Volturi want whats best for the mortal world so that the two worlds don't collide, but the Cullens believe they won't listen to their point of view and that will be a problem when it comes time. Bella and Edward are prepared to fight, but what about Renesmee? Jacob can't possibly defend her all by himself. So what are they going to do?
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Breaking Dawn #18

Once again, I didn't get much reading time in again because I've been pretty busy. Anyway, I am at the part where Alice and Jasper just ran away. They don't think it is safe for them because the Volturi (bad guys) are coming and they think it is the best to leave. One of the Volturi, Aro, would do anything to have Alice, but she would never again to joining their clan and never wants to be separated from Jasper, so everyone thinks that they left for fear of being separated. Before they left, they wrote the Cullens a letter saying, " Don't look for us. There isn't time to waste. Remember: Tanya, Siobhan, Amun, Alistair, all the nomads you can find. We'll seek out Peter and Charlotte on our way. We're so sorry that we have to leave you this way, with no goodbyes or explanations. It's the only way for us. We love you." (Meyer 558). In this passage, Jasper and Alice aren't giving them much to work with, but enough to know that something bad is coming their way. Alice can see the future, so she must have seen something coming. The reason she told them to remember about those certain people is because she wants them to round of friends and family members to help them when the Volturi come because they can not handle them alone, according to Alice. The part that I am at, Bella is trying to use her "power" to shield others besides herself. She is immune from any harm that other vampires put upon her, which is an amazing skill. She is trying to see if she can shield her whole family, but it makes her very tired and worn out. I wonder if she will eventually be able to do it.
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